
Precision Assemblies

High-performance satellite and launcher structures, optical payload structures and their sub-assemblies

The large majority of such projects are Build-to-Spec, i.e. Space Structures elaborates the whole project based on a specification as input and takes the responsibility for the design and performance up until verification testing is completed.

The principles and processes:

High performance satellite and launcher structures - Stiffness and mass performance are key

  • Primary and secondary structures
  • Integrated radiator functionalities
  • Launch vehicle adapters (LVA) Manned space applications (ISS, Orion, Lunar Gateway) - fracture control and human factors design to be considered
  • Primary and secondary structures
  • Internal and exernal structures
  • Rack structures Optical Payload structures and their sub-assemblies - dimensional stability is the main priority
  • Telescope structures
  • Optical benches Bipods / Hexpods Straylight baffles Electronic Equipment structures - good balance between structural and thermal performance required Power supply, control and distribution units (PSU/PCU/PDU) Data handling/processing units (DHU/DPU)

Key applications of Structural Assemblies


satellite and launcher structures


optical payload structures and their sub-assemblies


electronic equipment structures


mechanical ground support equipment (MGSE)


... and many more!

What kind of precision assembly do you require?

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Space Structures GmbH

Engineered in Germany.
Made in Europe.
Delivered worldwide.

Space Structures GmbH

Fanny-Zobel-Str. 11

12435 Berlin, Germany

Tel: +49 30 814549 700

Fax: +49 30 814549 799


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